
Defense in depth

This continues the data security theme with the most important security principle – defence-in-depth,  This means having at least two strong defences against any attack, with monitoring to detect when either is breached.

Recently, we have seen attacks on weather bureaus, ambulances, sporting clubs – hardly “high-value targets”.   A decade ago, strong defences applied to banks, government, and such – now it’s for all of us. We can’t turn all software architects into security experts so in these articles I will give security blueprints. You can apply them without fully understanding why you need them, or how they work, and the result will be a more robust system.

Data extraction from microservice architectures

Reporting and ETL “just work” in a DB-centric design, when the data is in 3rd Normal Form. In a microservice design, they do not. If you apply the traditional ETL tools to your microservice stores, you will lose your microservice benefits.  Let’s see a way to get better-than-SQL reporting, without sacrificing time-to-market, team velocity or SLAs, and opening a path to the CQRS pattern.

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